Monday, October 25, 2010

In Trento

I've been on a project in Trento, Italy for several weeks now. Now that we are close to wrapping up, a few thoughts on Northern Italy.

1) I'm not entirely sure how everyone isn't massively obese here. So much prosciutto, pasta, and bread. Seriously, it's like an olive oil commercial.

2) I have officially flown into or out of the airports in Florence, Pisa, Milan, Venice, Treviso, and Verona. Consistency is key ... you can get the 'V.I.P.' panini everywhere and it's always good.

3) GPS units are in incredibly short supply here. Bring your own or prepare for hilarious hi-jinks! (read: 500GBP mobile phone bills from using Google Maps)

4) There are no irons in the hotels here. Seriously, none. I'm staring at a built-in pants press right now, but somehow asking for an iron gets you a blank stare.

5) Driving through the town square is typically
fine - just don't park there. Finding the impound lot is a bitch, and an Italian police station is exactly as disorganized as you think it is.

6) This is absolutely beautiful country. You should probably bring your wife to Sirmione, on Lake Garda, like I did. To make up for your anniversary trip spent in the Holiday Inn by the train station in Paris, hypothetically.

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