Friday, November 26, 2010

Five Most Interesting Finds This Week

So, I've been on vacation this week - just hanging out in London - which means that I've been doing a fair bit of media grazing ...

Here are the best things I've come across.

1. IDEO's Human-Centered Design Toolkit. Very user-friendly set of resources and basic structure for attacking interesting problems (has a development slant, but can be adapted).

2. Daniel Pink's 'Drive' - Animated. Daniel Pink's excellent book on what really motivates people condensed into a phenomenally illustrated interactive presentation (thanks Dan Rowe for the link).

3. Cyber-Con - Book Reviews in LRB. So, remember my last blog post on the moral ambiguity of technology? Here's exhibits A, B, and C for the dark side. The Net Delusion: The Dark Side of Internet Freedom is on my Christmas list! Warning - it's long.

4. Lower-Class People Better at Reading Others. Another one in a long line of quirky behavioural psychology studies ... but certainly thought-provoking. Quick read.

And, finally ...

5. All of The Lights by Kanye West. Hands down my favourite track of the year, off of the best reviewed album of the year.

Talk Soon,

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