Friday, November 26, 2010

Generic European Update

Remember when I started that blog a few weeks ago, and then didn't write anything? Yeah ...

I've actually had an interesting 'seed' of a post sitting in drafts for the past three weeks on the nature of information, but it turns out that a) interesting ideas are easy, interesting articles are hard, and b) I'm relatively lazy.

So, instead - a more pedestrian update on life in the UK.

Darkness. We're still a month out from the shortest day of the year, but it's pitch-black by 4PM. It's also -3 today. On the flip side, apparently the crocuses come out by February. At least two people have told me this, and I guess it's supposed to be uplifting, but not entirely sure why?

Television. It's terrible here - unless you like Top Gear and Friends, in which case you have 48 hours worth of programming to choose from every single day. On the other hand, the selection of On Demand stuff is amazing.

Mail. Mail (or 'post') is really important. I just opened a new "international" bank account, an event which triggered 12 discreet pieces of mail over the span of 3 days (1 which I had to send to the bank - 11 of which came to me). If you don't have mail with your address on it, you are for all intents and purposes a homeless person.

Restaurants. So many good restaurants it's criminal. You could - hypothetically, of course - eat out every week-end for months without travelling more than 500M from our house, even if your wife really wishes that you would try some new places. In theory, anyways.

Ashes. The big cricket match (game? test?) with Australia started yesterday. I think it finishes sometime next month, but in general I have no idea how to interpret anything that's going on. We're in the 80th 'over' right now, from what I understand.

P.S. The pic is from Italy ... the location where we hosted a pricing workshop. Not a bad place to go to work.


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